June 2009

Dear Adelphi Friends,

We are happy to share our report, “Leadings and Actions for Adelphi’s Future.” The report is the best effort of the Long-Range Planning Committee to gather the sense of the direction that the Meeting feels led to move over the next few years. Building on what has given life to our community in the past, this gathered sense of the Meeting is meant to help us take action over the next few years to create the future of our faith community.

As an annex to the “Leadings and Actions,” we have compiled the reports prepared by the Dream Teams for the “Dream a Little Dream” retreat that we held on January 31 and the proposals that came from the retreat itself. These reports are an additional resource on which to draw as we begin to make more detailed plans and decisions.

The following is a recap of the decisions we have made to date and an outline of next steps:

In March, Business Meeting charged what has become known as the “Go Forth group” with developing a more detailed proposal for a new kind of outreach and engagement for our community and steering the process of implementing the proposal. Business Meeting also agreed to amend the 2009 budget to include a line for a “Go Forth Fund” and approve $1,500 of current undesignated reserves to seed the financial support for at least one “Go Forth” group this year.

In May, Business Meeting approved a recommendation that the Long-Range Planning Committee convene a joint meeting of the House and Grounds and Finance Committees, the Dream Team on Facilities, Resources, and Environment to begin to address those leadings and actions that relate to our physical facilities and financial and environment stewardship. This group will be asked to develop plans and concrete steps to implement the relevant actions in the Leadings and Actions for Adelphi’s Future report, to report to Business Meeting on the progress of their deliberations and to seek approval of Business Meeting for actions, when nec essary and appropriate.

The June Business Meeting received the “Leadings and Actions for Adelphi’s Future” and agreed to refer it to Trustees, charging that group with further developing the process and mechanisms for implementing, monitoring, and assessing the long-range plan. We envision moving fully into the action phase of process in September. At that time, we will have the initial experience of the “Go Forth group” and the group considering the facilities and stewardship to draw on in agreeing on how best to organize the effort to move to decisions and implementation.

Between now and September, we will be creating opportunities to refresh our knowledge, understanding and skills on Quaker practices that are most essential to Quaker-style discernment and decision making. The Long-Range Planning Committee will be working with others to organize these opportunities over the summer months.

The long-range planning process until now — and going forward — depends on the input, reflections, and leadings of Adelphi members and attenders. We invite your careful review and consideration of the “Leadings and Actions for Adelphi’s Future” report. At this point in the process, please forward your comments, concerns, ideas, and insights to the Trustees. Debbie Bassert serves as the Clerk of Trustees.

In the Light,

Cheryl Morden for the
Long-Range Planning Committee:

Karen Armstrong
Debbie Bassert
Chase Clement
Rob Duncan
Martha Gay
Mary Leonard
Ann Marie Moriarty


Weekly Schedule


9:45 singing
10:00 worship
11:15 lunch break
12:15 second hour program


12:00 worship
7:30 Bible study


📍 2303 Metzerott Rd
Adelphi, MD 20783

📱 (301) 445-1114
📧 clerk@adelphifriends.org